Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Harness the Amazing Health Benefits of Desiccated Coconut in its Pure Form

Coconut meat which has been shredded, chipped pr powdered and then dried out is called desiccated coconut. It is prepared by removing natural moisture in the coconut. It has a snow white appearance with a fresh sweetness and nutty flavor. Desiccated coconut is also available in a sweetened, toasted or toasted sweetened variety.

It is used in making cookies, cakes, pastries, desserts, puddings or any other coconut based recipe where raw grated coconut cannot be used. Dried coconut can be consumed as a snack, in cereal, baked goods, salad, smoothies or sautéed with vegetables. It is also used as a garnish in several dishes. It is also available in an unsweetened form. Desiccated coconut has a very high fat content but low cholesterol and sodium. The health benefits of a desiccated coconut are similar to that of fresh coconut but there is a slight loss in nutrients due to the preservation process.
100% Desiccated Coconut at Best Price
100% Desiccated Coconut at Best Price

Why is Desiccated Coconut Preferred Choice?

·         Desiccated coconut has the natural goodness of fresh coconut and is hygienically processed to give the real state of real taste of fresh taste
·         It adds new flavor to curries, chutneys, gravies, stews, side-dishes, savories, cakes, sweets, pastries, ice-cream, biscuits, bakeries and confectionery delicacies
·         It is a total boon to busy wives and fast moving food production centers
·         Desiccated coconut is economical, easy to store and handle
·         No artificial coloring, preservatives or flavor is added.
·          No oil contents removed.
·         True to the original coconut
desiccated coconut
desiccated coconut

Nutritional Aspect

·         Desiccated coconut provides nutrients and a source of energy for your immune defense
·         It also contains the raw materials your body uses to mount its antimicrobial defense
·         It contains 69% coconut fat- an excellent source of healthy saturated fat
·         Naturally high in lauric acid- the compound also found it breast milk-which may help enhance the immune system
·         Dehydrated using very low heat to keep nutrients and enzymes intact, desiccated coconut is dried at much higher temperature which kills off many nutrients.

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